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Choose Your Routes in Western North Carolina

If you seek thrills and excitement in a rugged yet beautiful environment, routes in Western North Carolina will treat you to an amazing experience. Mountain View Adventures provides on-road rentals to travelers in the area. We’ll provide you with the perfect ride according to your passions and lifestyle so you can explore the area’s wildlife, scenery, and culture the way you want. Our immense mountain peaks, waterfalls, and rivers are one-of-a-kind sights to behold.

polaris slingshot and sunset

The Blue Ridge Parkway

The Blue Ridge Parkway is abundant in diverse wildlife and ecosystems. Drivers and riders weave in and out of unique habitats, vegetation, and wildlife. Stretching from southern to central Appalachia, its flora and fauna is a treasure to locals and visitors. Here are some other attractions you might cross during your journey through the parkway:

  • Mount Mitchell: As the highest peak in the eastern United States, Mount Mitchell looms large, inspiring all who see it.
  • New River: Journey to the past by visiting New River, North America’s oldest river.
  • Whitewater Falls: The highest waterfall anywhere east of the Rocky Mountains, featuring plummeting waters and sublime surrounding scenery.

The Rattler

The Rattler has been enjoyed by local and visiting motorcyclists who want to go on a challenging and fun-filled ride. The standard trip begins at a local US post office and ends in Hot Springs. However, if you want to extend your ride, feel free to find your way to NC 63 and complete an entire loop. Along the way, you’ll see nooks and crannies of farmland and field and take in panoramic views atop mountains. The early morning is cloaked in a deep fog, providing atmosphere and relaxation before you hit the road again.

Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap

The Tail of the Dragon route is ideal for motorists who want to escape to a raw, challenging, and rewarding place. It is known as one of the toughest motorcycle routes in America, featuring over 318 curves and spanning 11 miles. During your ride, you’ll journey through a land without any modern accommodations, a place genuinely stuck in a time before ours. All you’ll see is dense wildlife and scenic views for miles. Whether you want to test your endurance or casually ride to enjoy the scenery, The Tail of the Dragon will satisfy you.

Book an Unforgettable Ride With Us Today